TDH201 Recommended Spare Parts

TDH201 Recommended Spare Parts

Quantity Part Number Description
1 TDH2O1P107 Blade
1 TDH2O1P614 Brush Set Assy.

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Preventive Maintenance


  • Wash water brush (P107C) with mild soap; rinse well.
  • Wash water tank (P612C) with mild soap; rinse well.
  • Wipe cutting edge of blades (P208 & P211) with clean cloth. Use IPA to remove any adhesive build-up.
  • Remove upper tape pressure plate (P207C) and remove any paper dust.


  • Thoroughly clean machine. Remove accumulated pieces of tape, tape dust and any other foreign material from inside of machine using dry brush or blower .
  • Clean accumulated adhesive from bottom of pressure plate by wiping with IPA.
  • Wipe down all covers with a damp rag.

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