TDA025 Hand Crank Replacement


TDA025 Hand Crank Replacement

  1. Turn unit over and remove 4 screws that hold the top to the base.
  2. Using hand crank, cycle cutter arm until it is away from the turntable. (Make sure that the length adjustment is all the way back.)
  3. Remove top from base by pressing down on the tape holder arm and pushing up at an angle under the
    turntable directly across from the tape holder arm.
  4. Remove #66 Tape Set Lever. NOTE SPRING LOCATION.
  5. Remove #62 Gear Cover
  6. Loosen screws that hold #55 Motor Chassis to #45 Base until #68 Lever can be removed from gear pin.
  7. Replace #68 Lever and secure #55 Motor Chassis.
  8. Replace #66 Tape Set Lever making sure to replace the spring correctly.
  9. Push #66 to most forward position while replacing #62 Gear Cover. Do not allow the #66 Lever to go back to its original position until #62 cover is secure.
  10. Test Tape Set Lever.
  11. Replace top on machine. Use caution not to bend fan blades. NOTE: The slot on #3 must be aligned to fit
    over the spring-loaded arm that is attached to the turntable adjustment knob.
  12. Replace 4 screws that hold top onto base.




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