Missing, Wrong, or Damaged

Report a missing, damaged, or wrong item here. We are sorry to hear that there has been an issue with your order and will resolve this as quickly as possible.

Please call us with any questions you may have. (M-F, 8a-5p CST)
Toll Free (US & Canada Only): (800) 259-1986
International & Local Number: +1 (972) 248-1999

    Missing: Items are missing that are shown on the included pick ticket.Wrong: Incorrect items are received that are not listed on the pick ticket.Damaged: Items are damaged or not working properly.

    Company PO NumberSTART Order Number

    Company PO Number *


    SOLD TO Information

    First Name *

    Last Name *

    Company *

    Phone *

    Email *

    Address *

    City *

    State/Province *

    Zip/Postal Code*
