Material Evaluation

Why fill out this form?
We will test your material and email you a video of the recommended dispenser for your specific application. By completing the material evaluation, we offer a worry-free guarantee by offering a two-week trial period. Terms and conditions apply.

Please be sure to send the EXACT TAPE or LABEL used for START to provide a complete assessment. Depending on the cut length, START recommends to send a FULL ROLL of material on the original core. If sending labels, we will need a minimum of 50 Labels on the original core.

You can also download the PDF version.

Tape Evaluation Form

Label Evaluation Form

    Electric Tape DispenserElectric Label DispenserNon-Adhesive Cutter

    Please describe the following (if applicable):

    TapeLabelsDie-Cut PartsNon-Adhesive Material


    Or download the forms and mail it with your sample material
    (MINIMUM of 20 feet for tape or 50 feet for labels )

    START International
    ATTN: Technical Service
    4270 Airborn Drive
    Addison, TX 75001, U.S.A.