LD5100 Troubleshooting


LD5100 Troubleshooting Guide

No Power:

  • Make sure unit is plugged in.
  • Turn power switch on.
  • Check fuse (21A).
  • Check electrical connections.


Power, No feeding:

  • Make sure sensor path is clear (not “seeing” anything)
  • Move hand across sensor and watch light on backside to make sure sensor is registering presence/absence.
  • Check relay for switching with presence/absence. (Light goes on/off).
  • Test motor voltage.
  • Check electrical connections.
  • Confirm wiring diagram.


Feeds, Won’t stop:

  • Block sensor with hand, check light on backside, should be on when sensor is blocked.
  • If sensor light works, check relay. Relay light should turn on every time sensor beam is blocked.
  • Check electrical connections.
  • Confirm wiring diagram.


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