Introducing the Labelmoto LD6000 Series from START International

Introducing the Labelmoto® LD6000 Series from START International®


DALLAS, Texas—START International recently announced the release of their new and improved Labelmoto LD6050 Electric Label Dispenser*—a redesigned version of The Label Dispenser LD5100. 


*START International is a globally leading company that produces efficient and easy to use machines with the highest quality possible.*


With its new and improved elegant design, the LD6050 has been updated for the modern work environment while maintaining the same reliable functionality as the LD5100. Its updated design is not only more attractive, but also has a more compact footprint. The new integrated mount for industrial bin racks allow the machine to take up even less work space, by keeping it off the workbench. Although the dispenser is more compact, it still maintains the industry standard and proven funtionality for industrial applications. The LD6050 includes a custom material guide locking system that ensures efficient loading & unloading. Its unique take-up hub features a built in liner lock, which speeds up the process of loading the label roll and eliminates unnecessary parts. Although the motor housing on the machine is thicker, the LD6050 is much lighter and easier to use. Its improved compact and sleek design not only gives it a better feel for what the machine does, but it creates a more efficient working system.


*U.S. Patent US D662,136 S, U.S. Patent US D662,547 S, Other Patents Pending, ©START International 2012

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