TDA150 Recommended Spare Parts

TDA150 Recommended Spare Parts

Quantity Part Number Description
1 TDA080P236 Spring-Blade Tension
TDA080P251 Feed Chain 1
TDA080P252 Feed Chain 2
TDA150P272 Silicon Roller 
TDA150P273 Silicon Roller 
TDA150P279 Blade 

Preventive Maintenance


  • Wipe down blade with IPA or equivalent to remove adhesive build-up



  • Remove cover.
  • Inspect 19 Chain. If loose, use idler to tighten.
  • Inspect 23 and 24 Chains. If chains are loose, replace them.
  • Inspect all sprockets. Replace if worn.
  • Inspect A14 and A18 Silicone Rollers. Replace if worn or mis-shapen.
  • Wipe down feed rollers with IPA or equivalent.

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